Sweet dreams are made of consultants


The task of rocket accelerators is to make sure that our consultants are assigned tasks in which the client’s needs meet the interests and know-how of the developer. What else does the sales team do to ensure a rosy daily life for the rocket scientists?

The job of sales is to find the right full stack, embedded and mobile developers for our clients and to search out challenging assignments for our developers, who wish to live out their professional ambitions.  

“The goal is to find our experienced and skilled software developers some meaningful things to do. We don’t promise them a rose garden, since the truth of the matter is that someone has to take care of the routine tasks too, but we do stress the importance of giving them some challenging nuts to crack,” Marietta Johansson, one of our two rocket accelerators, summarises.

Developers are naturally interested in building their own competence, and learning on the job is an essential part of the job description. Most rocket scientists get the opportunity to develop their professional competences in their client projects. Allocation provides flexibility for the billable work in case the consultant wants to learn something new but can’t do so on the client’s time.

“The developers get to choose their projects themselves, which means they get to decide whether they’re going to be introduced to the client. Developers are constantly on the accelerators’ minds – sometimes even in our dreams. We only look for projects that, we believe, will truly excite our rocket scientists,” the other half of the sales team, Timo Jaakola, continues. 

Cooperation bears fruit 

Sales, the consultant and the client form a symbiotic entity.

“When a rocket scientist is sold to a new project, it’s important to ensure that both the seller and the developer are active in their communication and respond quickly,” Marietta explains. 

The developer isn’t kicked out the door as soon as they’ve managed to send off their bill – far from it. 

“The consultant is never forgotten. We arrange regular meetings with the client and the consultant. In addition, the sales team also meets the developers in one-to-one discussions, designed to keep them in the loop at all times,” Timo says. 

Flipside of the coin

Business is business, but in the end we still place more value on people than we do on euros. How is this reflected in the everyday life of rocket accelerators?

“Sometimes we just can’t deliver and that can be a really hard pill to swallow. You work hard on the client relationship in order to gain their trust only be told that, for one reason or another, the consultant doesn’t want the project,” Marietta says.

“However, we aim to provide a good life for the consultant and sometimes that may mean losing a client. In the end, it’s in everyone’s best interest, even if it does sting a little personally,” Timo adds.

In for a hard day’s night?

We connect experienced and skilled developers with a smart community and challenges from which they are free to pick the ones they like. Once the deal is sealed, we make sure our developers are well taken care of. What we strive for is the developer’s comfort and, by proxy, also the client’s wellbeing.

“Sales tries to tend to all the needs of working life and pay attention to everything from working methods to locations and allocations,” Marietta says.

What’s also important is finding a good work-life balance. Working one’s head off is emphatically discouraged, because without pit stops, fuel will inevitably run out. 

“The Rocket offers flexibility in different types of situations. In addition to a comprehensive occupational health insurance, our basic benefits include conversational psychological support through the Auntie service. We also offer a care service in case your child happens to fall ill,” Marietta says. 

It’s all about the team

In order to make the most of everyone’s skills, sales must know what they’re selling like the back of their hand.

“Knowing about their technical skills is not enough. We really want to get to know the person in order to find them projects where the needs of the client meet the interests and know-how of the developer. We engage the developers in dialogue and try to grant their wishes as best we can,” Timo says.

Team work is an inseparable part of software development, and each successful piece of software is created by a successful team. 

“Sales focuses on how a person fits into the client’s team and their culture in general. The consultant is a part of the client's team, not a recluse who sits in some dark corner coding. At least that should never be the case, since it doesn't help the client at all,” Marietta continues.

It takes two to consult. In the project, the client and the consultant work side by side to reach a common goal, a good end result. 

Finding a good match can be difficult, but all’s well that ends well – also for the client. Rocket scientists are not some disposables to be used once and abandoned once they’ve served their immediate purpose. 

“We haven’t seen too many boomerangs on either side,” Timo adds.

Looking for projects whose selection you’ll want to contribute to? Read more here!

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How to care for your consultant?
